The State of Trade (SoT) report provides sell-in figures, also known as wholesale sales figures, of the European outdoor sector. The report covers all major European markets and is considered the most comprehensive sell-in report for the outdoor industry. It benefits the entire industry and remains relevant only through the collaborative efforts of contributing brands.

We are excited to bring across several of the developments from our work on the Outdoor Market Intelligence Service (OMIS) which will dramatically improve the State of Trade report. These updates include:

  • SoT is now accepts standard sales files rather than a manually created excel spreadsheet.
  • The product taxonomy from OMIS, developed over the past year with contributions from over 35 members of the trade, will be brought into the SoT.
  • We will now use Sporting Insights to collect and aggregate data for the SoT, our same data partner used for OMIS. This will make the experience far more seamless and smooth for the contributing brands.

We have gone to great lengths to ensure that the members of the EOG and the wider European outdoor sector, are aware of the several important updates to the State of Trade report this year. The updates have been announced in the member meetings, general assemblies, trade show presentations, on webinars and data calls, we have met with individual members, sent several executive updates, contacted prior year’s email lists, and will have additional sessions at the upcoming OutDoor by ISPO.

All brands who sell product wholesale are invited to participate, and with the recent updates, participation has never been easier.

In order to participate in this year’s State of Trade report, all data contributors must:

  1. Sign a data exchange agreement with Sporting Insights, the designated data collection agent. (submit signed agreements to
  2. Provide an update product list (product files may also be sent to
  3. Submit wholesale sales files at the designated time.

A few of you have completed the first two items. We thank you for your support. Several have not, and in order to have a State of Trade report this year, we encourage you to do so as swiftly as possible. Please find the data exchange agreement attached and contact information below. We have also include a few frequently asked questions.


What is the difference between the Outdoor Market Intelligence Service (OMIS) and the State of Trade report (SOT)?

The State of Trade report is the European Outdoor Group’s sell-in or wholesale report. It has existed for nearly 15 years, and helps provide trend data on the European outdoor wholesale market. The Outdoor Market Intelligence Service is a sell-through or sell-out report currently online in the UK, set to expand across Europe. It is a partnership between the European Outdoor Group and Sporting Insights.

These two reports have some compelling similarities: they use the same product categorisation and data collection infrastructure. But they report across different geographies and allow very different levels of detail in the data. As such they each require their own data exchange agreement for data providers. Brands who have signed a data exchange agreement for OMIS will also need to provide a data exchange agreement for SOT, but product files can be used to organise products in both reporting tools and only need to be submitted once.


Scott or Verity have already contacted me about the above three items, do I need to submit them again?

No. If you have sent to Sporting Insights a data exchange agreement for the State of Trade report and your product files then you have done everything you need to do for now.

I am a publicly trade company and uncertain if I can submit data, have you encountered this issue before?

Yes, many times. Both sell-in and sell-through reports are replete and a decades-old practice across ours and other industries. They are used in our own industry in other markets and by almost every other industry selling consumer goods via retailers across Europe. Participants are frequently publicly traded organisations, and in the State of Trade report we have other publicly traded companies who participate as well. This is because all data is collated and anonymised, and no individual contributor’s data can be ascertained.

The protective measures are part of the reason we require data contributors to have the data exchange agreement in place. Please feel free to put your legal teams directly in touch with Scott if they would like to discuss further - we are more than comfortable having these discussions.

When will the next year’s figures be available?

We are aiming to release the next complete State of Trade report at the usual time, in November of 2024. However, this will largely depend on the contributing brands turnaround time for signing the data exchange contracts, submitting product files, and submitting sales files.

Contact Scott Nelson:

Submit data exchange agreements or product files:
